Response to UK Government backing for The HALO

Marie Macklin C.B.E who leads The HALO initiative said:

“The financial backing of the UK Government is wonderful news for Ayrshire, and for Kilmarnock in particular. The people of Kilmarnock deserve this. We already have the backing and tremendous encouragement of East Ayrshire Council and Diageo PLC. This major funding from the UK Government is a significant step in enabling us to deliver this development for the town.

“Work will start on site in a few weeks for the £25million first phase of this development that will ultimately sustain almost 1,500 permanent jobs plus 600 during construction”.

Marie added: “The HALO Kilmarnock is an imaginative, innovative and inspirational regeneration initiative that will revitalise Kilmarnock and help to grow the wider local economy. It will create a dynamic commercial, educational, cultural, leisure and lifestyle quarter, all fuelled by renewable energy.”

Ken Ross, who is responsible for project delivery at The HALO Kilmarnock, said: “We have attracted around £17 million of private sector investment to complement public sector funding, without which a regional development of this kind would not be possible.

 “Initial infrastructure and groundworks will start in September, with building commencing in early spring, 2018 with a view to completing phase one in summer 2019.

“Even before construction has started, The HALO has a growing list of companies seeking to locate here, either to rent modern, larger premises for growth or to establish new ventures.”